Sunday, 27 July 2008

Sunday thoughts..

1. We had a great Sunday today!

2. The worship was excellent and the band did a great set. Thanks guys for all the effort you put into it.

3. In our second service we had 8 people say I will follow Jesus for the first time - Awesome!

4. I am so pumped about people bringing their friends along to our church services, it was great to meet several new people today who by the way really enjoyed our services.

5. Today we saw that people unlike Jesus actually liked Jesus and the shocking thing was that Jesus actually liked people who were not like him. This ought to be the truth in our daily lives.

6. I want to say a huge thanks to all who serve on a team on Sunday so faithfully and who really make Sundays happen. You guys are awesome and I really value and appreciate you.

7. Let's keep on working hard and believing for increase every Sunday in attendance in our services. Every week should be getting larger as we gather momentum and believe that God can use us to reach this city for him.

8. Please pray for Nicola Ritchie and her team as they take many of our children away on Summer Camp for one week. Make God do something really special in the lives of our children. I love our Kidz workers and believe we have one of the best programmes in the nation. I am so proud of you all.

9. I am so excited we have Ayiesha Woods and her band with us in all of our services next week, it's going to be amazing. Invite as many people as you can. To see the video of Ayiesha go to

10. Ensure you guys book onto the next Discovering My Life Mission Course coming soon. I know this will help you to share the gospel and your personal story clearly to the people in your world who don't know Jesus.

11. If you have not yet become apart of giving into the T2Build fund, 'the vision of our new facilities', than I challenge you to do so and become a history maker with us.

12. I am so excited that we have 27 people complete our recent 'Partnership Course' and have committed themselves to become Partners at MKCC with us. This fires me up!

I can't wait to see what God will do tomorrow. I love this sacred journey with Jesus more and more and cry out to God may he use us to bring glory and honour to his name.

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