Saturday, 6 June 2009

Life giver?

To bring life NOT death into every relationship, circumstance and opportunity is the call of a leader.

We are not called to participate in all the bad news, feeding and fueling it as if we have no alternative, no hope or anchor in this life. So many are filled with negativity, frustrations, anger, pride, arrogance, selfish opinions and ambitions and things do not get any better around these kind of people. Don't you think this world needs to hear some good news, encouragement, hope, love and grace from someone? What about YOUR world? Your Family, Friends, Work Place and Community?

If you know Christ, you are supposed to be a life giver! You have connected to the ONE who said, 'I have come that you might have life and have it TO THE FULL'. God is a life giver! He spoke life into creation and it came out of nothing. He breathed life into mankind and what was dust took shape and came alive. He breathed his word into the world to give direction, He sent Jesus Christ 'God in the flesh - fully God yet fully human' to pay the punishment for sin once for all so that all my live. Eternal LIFE is at hand!! The Holy Spirit now continues to give life to all and so should every follower of Christ. LIFE...LIFE.... LIFE!!!! God pumps this world full of life. He sustains and uphold all things by his power.. He is a life giver.

COME on Church I want to challenge us all to be life givers where ever we are and to whoever we encounter. Connect to God, stay close to the source of life, draw from the unending resource of the almighty and give out this life graciously.

Deal with the stuff that death may represents in your life today. Address the negativity, work on your character, change your attitude, see your pride and crucify it, reject and resist sin in your life - it will only introduce you to death. Be determined to change right now and be a life giver. That's what God intends you to be! BE HONEST, look at your life, your relationships, your circumstances and your opportunities and ask yourself the question what are you bringing to the table - Life or death?

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