Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Letting go is never easy..

As a parent, isn't it difficult to know how gradually you should let out the reigns of control in your children's lives as they grow up and mature.

My eldest boy is soon to become a teenager! He is maturing quickly and already he is desiring to chart his own course in many ways. Our relationship is changing and is moving to a whole new level and we must make changes in the way we live in our house. As parents we are committed to support and help him become the unique young man that God has created him to be.

On Tueday night I agreed to go with him for a bike ride to find the best route from our house to his school. He was now wanting to start to ride to school by himself and not travel with me in the car. This was a big step for me, he wanted to go his own way!

As we were riding along, I could hear myself going on and on and on, giving him advice like what to avoid, what to look out for, how to mount a curb correctly and even a few lessons on how to ride his bike properly. How sad is that! He just looked graciously back at me and said, 'yes dad, thanks dad it's okay.. I'll be fine'.

We found a good route that he was very confident with and it would take approximately 15 minutes home to school.

Peddling side by side on the way home was a journey I will remember for a long time. I realised that my boy was confident, sensible and ready to do this all by himself. All I needed to do was to trust him and let him do it. However,
in the back of my mind I couldn't help thinking, what if he isn't okay or what if something happens? Ever been there with your kids? I am sure you have.

I thought to myself, I am not able to protect him from everything in life but I do know that God is able to look after him because he belongs to him. Right there and then on that dark redway as we were riding home, I gave all my concerns to God who says, 'cast all your cares on me because I care for you'. Immediately I felt God's peace hit my heart and mind. We arrived home safetly, prepared everything ready for the morning and he went of to bed excited.

The next morning I was at peace and I was almost as excited as he was. After breakfast, I opened the garage door for him and out he came on his bike with a huge smile on his face. My wife and younger son were hanging out of the window cheering and clapping him as started off down the road. I was so thrilled to see him ride off waving happily back to me, as if to say, it's okay dad I'm ready for this, I'll be fine and I will remember all your good advice.

When he got home from school that evening he called me at the office just to let me know he had made it and he was fine. How cool is that.

I am a dad who is learning to gradually let go.

Every day I entrust my children's lives into God's hands who I know is their provider and protector.

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