Monday, 18 August 2008

Busy but not productive

Ever find yourself being busy but not very productive? Yep, at times me too! I think if we are honest we all have times like this and need to realise where we are at, reflect on what we are doing and then refocus on what we should be doing.

Here are three simple questions that may be helpful?

What is the smallest step I could take that would result in a big impact?
Often, there is a small step you can take to get the ball moving again. It is an action or task that will give you momentum. Perhaps it's a phone call that needs to be a made, an important email you've been procrastinating about, or a decision you need to finally make.

You know what it is. Start small, but start now.

What's keeping me from being productive?
Get clear about what's impeding your productivity, then ask yourself this next question...

What can I do right now to remove that obstacle?
Whatever you identified as your obstacle, make a plan to remove it - immediately.

Notice when you're busy, but not productive. Then follow these three steps to get out of the rut.

1 comment:

Kerul said...

Some good suggestions here.

But don't think all procrastination (or even all productivity, as you've pointed out, Mark) is created equal.

It can sometimes be good to procrastinate - it can lead to less struggle, delay (counter-intuitive, but true), and more optimal functioning.

There's a new book out titled Productive Procrastination, and it describes how to do it, how to tell productive from destructive procrastination, and how to end the destruction kind. It's available on Learn more about the book at