Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Committing to add value to others

When people think about you, I wonder whether they would say to themselves, 'My life is better because of that person?'

In my book to really succeed in life, you must intentional try to help others around you. This will lead you down the path of sacrificing your time, treasure and talents for others. This is not easy, but Jesus didn't call us for an easy life! He gave his life for others and he simply calls us to 'follow him'. Zig Ziglar says, 'You can't get everything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want'.

How do you turn your focus from yourself and start adding value to others? Can I suggest a few simple steps:

1. Make a decision right now to put others first in your thinking.
2. Find out what others need. Be alert and attentive to your work colleagues, family
members, neighbours and to others in general as you travel about.
3. Now, simple go and meet that need and be generous. Be courageous, you can do it! It will always take courage to make a difference.

Come on guys we can do this. Not rocket science really but it is the hallmark of those who follow Jesus and are committed to adding value to others and making an impact for God and for good in this world.

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