Sunday, 28 March 2010

So what is a disciple? (Part 3)

My thoughts today are around the effects of Jesus at work in the life of a person who is fully following Jesus.

What is a disciple?

A disciple is someone who:

3. Lives in a fruit-bearing relationship with Jesus

Before Jesus went to the cross he told his disciples what his desire for them was, that they 'bear fruit and fruit that lasts'. (John 15:4-5) NIV. A key word in this passage is 'remain'. If you are REMAIN IN the vine, the promise is that you will bear much fruit; THEN A WARNING...apart from me you can do nothing.

Watlon Moore writes: 'Our union with Christ makes possible a life through which others can be saved. When a tree is so full of sap that it can no longer hold it, the result is fruit! When a Christian is so full of Christ, others see him and hear about him and are then spiritually reborn into the Kingdom of God. Thus, new believers are one fruit of discipleship'

While it is good and desirable to display the fruit of the spirit (Gal 5:22-23), it also carries the thoughts of personal witness, evangelism and soul winning. Without this kind of fruit-bearing in our lives the Kingdom of God will not be expanded.

I want to challenge you today to be passionate about your relationship with Christ. Do not allow anything to take your eyes off Jesus. Allow his word and his spirit to fill you continually and overflow from your life - bearing fruit.

How are you doing?

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