Friday, 26 March 2010

So what is a disciple? (Part 2)

The second point today is a great challenge to us all but crucial.

A disciple is someone who:

2. Commits their life COMPLETELY to the Master.

TOTAL commitment!! A half-hearted commitment is not enough for Jesus to teach us effectively. Full Submission to him is a important to Jesus because he looks at our desire, heart and trust in him and his ways. He leads us in his love and he is committed to our spiritual growth.

Lets understand something here. Jesus has the right to demand a full on commitment to us as he gave his life for us. NO-ONE ELSE did! Jesus knew that the way to fruitfulness was the path of total commitment and so he point his followers in the same way. (Matt 16:24-25)

Hey, HIS commitment to us is sealed in his own blood, what he wants from us is a commitment of our total love. This is so that we will TRUST him in every step as he takes our life and moulds it in accordance to his will. The Apostle Paul caught the meaning of this in 2 Corinthians 5:15.

So how are you doing?

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