6 Common Leadership Lids:
1) When you stop growing.
One of the surest predictors of an organization that will eventually stop growing is that its leaders stop growing.
Life moves forward, and culture changes; the church today is not the same as it was years ago. We as leaders must continue to grow and get better at our work if we want the church to continue to thrive.
Growth as a leader requires learning and change. How are you growing?
Do you have a plan for growth? A coach? A supervisor that helps you become a better leader?
If yes, you can break through this lid. You can always begin to grow again.
2) When your insecurities rise above your calling and gifting.
Insecurities are common amongst leaders, now perhaps more than ever.
All leaders have insecure moments; that’s very different from being an insecure person.
Of course, there are insecure moments; if you are leading, you are taking people somewhere you and they (together) have never been before. It’s uncharted territory, and you’re not always sure what to do.
But remember, just because you don’t know what to do, that doesn’t mean you don’t know what you’re doing. You can figure it out!
Every time you solve another problem or challenge (figure it out), you break through the lid of insecurities, and you develop authentic confidence.
3) When you don’t develop and empower leaders.
A vision big enough to be worth pursuing requires more leaders to achieve it.
As an organization grows, it becomes more complex and requires more leaders to take it forward.
Developing leaders isn’t complex, but it does require relentless commitment and ongoing intentional effort.
The results are incredibly worthwhile.
If I can be overly candid here, if you are too busy to develop leaders, you are too busy. It’s time to hand off some of your work to others to make sure this happens.
One sure way to breakthrough this leadership lid is to develop more and better leaders on your team.
4) When your people no longer know that you care.
No longer genuinely caring about the people you serve is unlikely, but here’s how it can seem like you don’t care.
You can become exhausted from solving problems, hurt by so much criticism, overwhelmed by pressure, or struggle with a personal issue – perhaps a family member who is ill.
Any of these can consume so much time and personal energy that you drift in your closeness and connection with those you serve. If this becomes prolonged, it produces an almost imperceptible lid on your leadership.
If you sense a drift from those closest to you, take some time to discern the cause and focus on the remedy. Then, let a few of those closest to you in on what’s going on. A few honest conversations will go a long way.
5) When you stop hearing from God.
All leaders experience dry periods in their spiritual life when for a season, it seems as if God’s voice is silent.
If a spiritually dry season becomes prolonged, it can become a lid to your leadership, but there is no need to fear this.
God is still with you in spiritually dry times, and you can lean into the wisdom He has already given as well as seek wise counsel from your trusted advisors.
In my experience, a spiritually dry season always comes to an end, and I learn again that God never drifted from me; it was I who needed to draw near to Him.
6) When you don’t have clarity of vision.
This final potential leadership lid pertains mostly to the senior leadership team, but it certainly impacts the entire team and church.
Any time you no longer have a clear vision, your leadership will become a lid to the church’s growth.
Over the past seventeen months, vision has been challenged. We have learned how to cast vision for shorter periods, but it’s still challenging.
If you are unclear about your vision, your best solution is to embrace the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19-20) as your vision until you have clarity for the unique expression of vision for your church.
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