Monday, 15 May 2017

Investing in children’s ministry is crucial for church growth (Part 2)

4. Invest in volunteers.
As Christians we are saved to serve. There are people around you who will have a passion to serve in children’s ministry in the many roles it can offer: set up and take down, teaching, welcome, check in, technicians, small group leaders, helpers, and so on. Invest in your volunteers all the time by training, appreciation, and events. Thank them regularly and show you value their contribution. A growing church engages and thrives on a wonderful team of volunteer.
5. Invest in your children’s buildings / rooms or area.
Give your best to creating a warm welcome, fun environment and a positive learning environment for children. Do whatever it takes and be generous! This will mean investment into good signage, backdrops, props, screens, projectors, audio equipment, lighting, musical equipment, microphones, TV’s, game consoles, games, toys, art and crafts, Bibles, a good check in system, t-shirts & food! Church should be a fun place to be for Children. The right environment and the right people are attractive, so create it!
6. Discipleship
Yes you have heard it a thousand times but I will say it again… We are not just looking after children; we are discipling children to follow Jesus. Every weekend we have the incredible opportunity to invite children into an environment where they can hear about Jesus, get to know Him better and to learn how to follow Him. Discipleship is our business as the church and we should give time to create great systems to do this effectively. Be committed to delivering age appropriate teaching that helps them to grasp God’s wonderful word.
I hear it almost every Sunday, ‘Pastor, our children love to come to church, your children’s ministry is making such a positive impact on our children’s lives’. I am always excited to hear this and it confirms that our investment at Milton Keynes Christian Centre in our children’s ministry is making a difference in families lives.
I want to encourage you if you are a church leader to INVEST in your children’s ministry and make it a priority if you want your church to grow.
A few actions you may want to consider?
1. Who should you appoint as children’s pastor and how can you empower them to succeed?
2. What resources do you need to develop this ministry? Create a wishlist… prioritise and action it.
3. Look at your venue with fresh eyes; what can you add/change to make it the best environment it can be?
4. Look at your budget again and allocate more money to children’s ministry.
5. Encourage all you team to ‘shoulder tap’ their friends, asking them to come and serve.
6. Encourage everyone to smile and BE HAPPY.
Elements Children’s Ministry Conference will equip your children’s ministry leaders and teams to build a ministry where children can discover Jesus for themselves, grow in their faith and are transformed from the inside out. For more information about times, tickets and location, visit:

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