Friday, 24 June 2016


Confusion regarding the real results of leadership causes leaders to waste their time doing the wrong things.

The real results of leadership are people and teams who live up to their potential.
the real results of leadership
The tragedy of lousy leadership is wasted talent.

6 signs of successful leadership:

  1. Teams respect and leverage each other’s talent. 
  2. Management has focus.
  3. Teammates believe they matter.
  4. Individuals feel safe enough to try new things.
  5. Organizations enjoy high morale.
  6. Everyone embraces a “make it better” approach. “Good enough” isn’t good enough.

6 behaviors that deliver the real results of leadership:

#1. Eliminate distractions. Define what matters more by helping people stop wasting time, talent, and resources on what matters least. Try asking, “What are you doing that prevents you from giving your time and energy to what matters now?”
#2. Highlight progress while working to make things better. “How can we make this better?”
#3. Call out drifting. “You’re better than this.” Real respect expects others to bring their best. 
  1. What do you want for yourself?
  2. What are you actively doing to achieve what you want for yourself?
  3. How can I maximize your potential?
  4. How can we hold each other accountable?
#4. Point out what isn’t working with a solution orientation. Lean into awkward situations.
  1. This doesn’t seem right. Is it ok with you?
  2. This isn’t what we agreed to do. How can we get back on track?
  3. We’re falling short. What can we do to make this better?
#5. Set measurable goals with people, not for them.
  1. How might you build on past success?
  2. How might you reach higher?
  3. When will the next step be done?
  4. How are you challenging yourself?
Embrace aspiration over irritation.
#6. Coach – don’t drive – people to achievement.STOP WASTING ENERGY – DELIVER

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