Wednesday, 29 July 2020


Another great post by Dan Rockwell

A leader who refuses to call for shared commitment embraces pointless turmoil.
An inability to create shared commitments propels you toward frantic mediocrity. The doorway to meaningful achievement swings on the hinges of commitment.

Teams rise to the height of their shared commitments.

Few to many:
There are few commitments and many decisions. “We’ll always seek the best interest of others,” is a commitment. How to practice commitments is the place where decision-making happens.

Shared commitment defines the meaning of your leadership.
You don’t need complete certainty, but you do need commitment.

5 powers of shared commitment:

1. Strengthens connection:
Shared commitment forces people to depend on each other. You appreciate individual strengths and contributions when everyone’s in the same boat.
There’s a “we-ness” to shared commitments.

2. Eliminates petty competition: 
Shared commitment allows us to celebrate when someone on the team outshines us. Those who avoid shared commitments have a personal agenda.

3. Simplifies decisions:
Shared commitment establishes direction. Decision-making is about how to get there, not where to go. When you commit to serve customers first, for example, direction is set. Many decisions follow.

4. Energizes creativity: 
The uncommitted find fault to justify their lack of commitment and promote their own agenda. The power of shared commitment is it drives teams to find ways to move the agenda forward.

Don’t tolerate uncommitted team members. 100% isn’t necessary, but 100% commitment is.
Those who aren’t committed find fault. Those who are committed find a way.
#5. Enables self-evaluation: 
Unwillingness to make commitments is an open door to gullibility. We evaluate ourselves and the course of our leadership based on commitment.


Calling for commitment begins when you help people understand and pursue what THEY want. Shared commitment capitalizes on individual values.
Compliance is forced. Commitment is freely given.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of shared commitment?
How might leaders create shared commitment on teams?

Bonus material:
Relationship Between Commitment and Creativity: a Multi-focal Approach (Academia)

Wednesday, 15 July 2020


A helpful post from Dan Rockwell.

Dealing with hotheads is like handling rattle snakes. It’s thrilling if you have proper training and equipment.
Three hot-heads on a team are better than one seething manipulator.
Hotheads express their concerns. Seething backstabbers are like the Energizer Bunny. They keep going and going, but you might never discover their real concerns.
Hotheads tell you what they want. Backstabbers might never tell you what they want and then hold it against you when you don’t give it.
4 reasons people lose their temper:

1. It’s natural. Hot headed leaders blow up quickly and move on just as quickly.
2. It’s bullying. Bullying leaders use anger to pressure people into compliance.
3. It’s unmet need. You need to feel heard, but no one listens – eventually you blow.
Unmet emotional needs eventually find expression in hot emotion.
4. It’s timidity. When people don’t speak up, issues build up until they blow up.

Natural hotheads:
In another life, I worked for a hothead. He got red in the face and yelled when things didn’t go right. In a short time he acted like nothing happened.  My hotheaded boss knew what he wanted and he was decisive.  Natural hotheads are naturally passionate.  I wonder if removing his quick temper might have neutered him.

Hotheads can learn to manage outbursts, but bulging veins and tight lips get their message across. 

Managing rattle snakes:
  1. Engage in constructive conversations after hotheads cool down. An outburst opens the door to discuss any tough topic.
  2. Acknowledge that hotheads care deeply. How might you better leverage their passion?
  3. Teach people to use the duck method. Let outbursts roll off your back. When my hotheaded boss went off, I ignored him.